A recent survey and a rate increase could mean more competition for homes Recent indication is that first time home buyers are getting tired of…
Courtesy: USA Today Renters be warned: Landlords are expected to raise apartment rents for a third-straight year in 2007, forcing tenants to turn over a growing…
From www.nwitimes.com Rates on 30-year mortgages were unchanged in the first week of the new year after posting three consecutive increases to close out 2006. Mortgage…
From www.post-trib.com What housing bubble? While much of the nation suffers from continued falling housing prices, Lake County will see 3.2 percent growth over past year…
Courtesy: CNNMoney.com Mortgage rates fell for the sixth week in a row, to nearly the lowest level of the year, as a slowing housing market…
Courtesy: CNNMoney.com A top economist and market strategist at Citigroup both say they did not think the housing slowdown is going to cause the economy…